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Graphic Design & Branding Projects

Piacere Fine Food's Compound Butter

Designed with Italian influence to match the rich flavours available, the two styles were made for the brand's Founding Flavours & Premium Line, both including a dedicated space to mark & identify the customer's selection.


Contrast between the two designs establish a minimalistic classiness in the Founding Flavours line, while highlighting the decadence & luxury of the Premium Line.

PIACERE_Label_Premium CNY_Final_OP.png
PIACERE_Label_Black & White-03-01.png
PIACERE_Label_Premium CNY_Final_OP.png

Team ERA Liveband
Branding & Social Media Posters

Copy of May.png

Branding for a Team Era, a liveband in need of a striking but friendly & lively appearance, conveyed with a signature bright yellow and set off by inky black tones.


Regular performances and daily announcements are created with posters focusing on the venue, and monthly schedules are created with the clear communication of both the dates and venues.


The band appeals to a widespread audience of varying ages on multiple platforms, so all designs were made with viewability and eye-catching vibrance in mind.

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